Our approach values all children as individuals and starts from their interests and unique qualities.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the framework that the Government sets for all early years providers (0-5 years) to make sure that, 'all children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe.' (Department for Education) There are seventeen early learning goals to be aimed for by the end of the Reception year in school.
The Framework is divided into 3 sections;
- Characteristics of Learning
- Three prime areas of learning
- Four specific areas of learning
We support our children to be confident, articulate and creative learners through exciting experiences which have real meaning for them. We believe our "curriculum" is broad and covers all of the experiences and relationships we offer and develop.
We work in a way responding "in the moment" to the children's needs, interests and fascinations.
We have given every aspect of life at Lark Hill Nursery School careful thought.
We support our children to develop their characteristics of learning
Playing and exploring, which is about finding out and exploring, playing with what they know and being willing to ‘have a go’.
Active Learning, which is about being involved and concentrating, persevering and enjoying achieving, what they set out to do.
Creating and thinking critically, which is about having their own ideas, making links and choosing ways to do things.
Prime Areas
These are the 3 areas of learning which form the foundations for learning
1) Personal, social and emotional development
This area of learning is about making making relationships and getting along with other children and adults, having confidence and self-awareness, and being able to manage their feelings and behaviour.
2) Physical development
This area of learning is about developing large and small movements in a variety of ways, having good control and co-ordination, handling different tools and equipment well. It also covers health and self-care, looking at ways to keep healthy and safe.
3) Communication and language
This area of learning is about developing good listening and attention skills, to have good understanding and also speak and express themselves clearly.
Specific Areas
These are the four areas through which the prime areas are "strengthened and applied"
1) Literacy
This area of learning is about stories, rhymes, books and reading, and also mark making/writing.
2) Mathematics
This area of learning looks at numbers, counting, shape, space and measure.
3) Understanding the world
This area of learning is about people and communities and helps children understand about the world they live in, including ICT.
4) Expressive arts and design
This area of learning develops different forms of expression, exploring music, dance and song, encouraging children to be creative in all respects. It also focuses on media and materials and imaginative/pretend play.
We believe children are learning all of the time and we know through their play children are thinking deeply and learning about themselves, the world and others.
If you would like to know more about our curriculum please email us.
Jo O’Raw, Headteacher on joanne.oraw@larkhill-nur.stockport.sch.uk