Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is Jo O'Raw you can contact her on: joanne.oraw@larkhill-nur.stockport.sch.uk or by phoning 0161 480 0867.
We are proud to be an inclusive school and support children to learn, progress and flourish taking into account their different needs.
Our staff have extensive knowledge about how to support all of our children as individuals and are always building on our knowledge in partnership with families and other professionals. We are always updating our training which includes Makaton, Sensory Processing Training, WellComm and much more.
In Stockport, our vision is for all children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to have the best start in life. We want all children and young people to be happy, prepared for adulthood and able to achieve their goals. We want families to feel supported, confident, resilient and connected to their community.
Here is our School SEND Policy, our SEN Information Report and Provision Map which explain how we support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
SEND Information
Click here for Stockport Outcomes Framework
Parents, carers, young people and the workforce worked together across the local area to co-produce a set of Outcomes that we all want to achieve for children and young people.
The agreed statements are:
- I feel Safe
- I feel part of my local community
- My voice is heard and acted upon
- I enjoy good health and wellbeing
- I am happy and have people I can trust
- I am confident and able to reach my goals
- The people who love and care for me are enabled to do this