Ofsted are interested to know what Families and Carers think about the support given to the children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Stockport. They are visiting Stockport over the next 3 days.
They would especially like to know what you think in regard to the 4 action points :
Priority 1 To develop an effective approach to jointly plan and commission the services that meet the needs of those that have SEND.
Priority 2 To assess and meet children and young people’s social care needs in conjunction with EHC needs and assessment and plans.
Priority 3 To involve children, young people and their families in the meaningful, effective co-production of the services, resources and support they need.
Priority 4 To develop a shared understanding by local area leaders of the needs of these children and young people and their educations, care and health outcomes.
Priority 5 To strengthen the assessment of effectiveness of the local area in improving outcomes for children and young people.
Here is a letter sent to families which indicates where you can share your thoughts.
SEND Stockport Return Visit